Tag Archives: book launch

Publication Celebrations for The Purrfect Pet Sitter

As I am sure you are aware (I’ve done a lot of shouting about it) The Purrfect Pet Sitter was released on April 24th and a wonderful week of celebrations ensued.

I am so grateful to everyone who helped to make the week special. Online, fellow writers were super supportive. My Ruby Fiction and Choc Lit family were great, and book bloggers were as fabulous as ever, as they shared early reviews and started giving my book mentions (there’s more to come on this when my book starts its official blog tour with Rachel’s Random Resources on May 15th).

Early reviews

Early reviews are in and I am overwhelmed by the lovely things people are saying about The Purrfect Pet Sitter:

“Packed with fun, humour, twists and depth. What a read!” MiniMaxi

“All I can say is that this ticked every single box. Choc Lit’s Ruby is for stories which tap into the reader’s emotions and The Purrfect Pet Sitter certainly did that for me.” Jo Osborne

“The Purrfect Pet Sitter is a good story that I was really entertained by on a wet and windy bank holiday weekend. It took me on a lovely journey of personal growth and even features a couple of gorgeous men too.” Rachel Gilbey

And if you haven’t downloaded it yet, the good news is it is still only 99p across all ebook retailers! Click to buy.

Thoroughly spoilt

In the week since publication I have been thoroughly spoilt by my family and friends with lovely cards, flowers, meals out, cake and more cake!

And just as in The Purrfect Pet Sitter, here are a couple of pictures to prove children and animals bring their own special element of chaos to the proceedings!

Author of the Week
To celebrate publication week, my fabulous fellow Chindi Authors also made me their Author of the Week. I went on a tour of their blogs, chatting about all things related to The Purrfect Pet Sitter in a variety of guest posts and interviews. If you missed the posts you can catch up on my Chindi blog tour here:

A big thank you to all of the Chindi Authors who took part and allowed me to gatecrash their blogs! I really appreciate your support.

Thank you so much to everyone for making the publication of The Purrfect Pet Sitter so special, and if you have read it please leave a review on the site you purchased it from. Reviews, no matter what their length, make a huge difference to authors, and help them and their work get noticed.

Now to stop eating cake (sigh!) and to crack on with the next book! xx